About Me

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I am a recently retired high school educator who is learning to spend time doing what I want to do. This is a new challenge in its own sense. It's like walking into a buffet and knowing you can eat all you want and not get full or gain any weight and for once you have absolutely no idea what you want. But I look forward to the journey of figuring it out.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Love Has A Name

 Adam Webber has written a gem, a truly stirring book that hits the stores today! Love Has A Name, published by Penguin Randomhouse, is one of the best pieces of inspirational literature that I have experienced in quite a long time.

Love Has A Name, Learning to Love the Different, the Difficult, & Everyone Else is just what we all need when it seems so many changes in the world make us want to seethe with frustration.  I know that I have felt less patient with many in my life when usually I am very tolerant.  I was excited to become part of the launch team for this book for an honest review.  

I think what attracted me to the book, besides the title, was the format that it is written.  In lieu of simply writing the book as a devotional or instruction book, quoting scripture and preaching through the lessons, Webber approaches the book through the use of personal accounts.  He breaks the book into three major parts.  Part 1 is Some People Who Have Loved Me. Part 2 is Some People I'm Learning to Love. Part 3 is Your Name. Within each part are many chapters telling a different person's story and how Christ works His good through them.  

I love meeting people, so getting to know so many unique individuals through the book was a true joy for me.  I soaked up God's love and grace through the stories without feeling like I was having scripture drummed into me.  Instead it simply flowed through me and lit my heart.

I am privileged to recommend Webber's book, Love Has A Name and hope that you, reader, find as much fulfillment from it as I have.  

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Last Days Survival Guide

Rick Renner, author of over 30 books has a new release set for September of 2020. Last Days Survival Guide: A handbook to prepare you for these perilous times.  When the book surprised me on my doorstep this summer and I opened the box my first thoughts were, "yep this sounds about right."  In the middle of the Covid-19 2020 fest of one new stress-causing event after another, a book about survival is indeed a captivating read.  I received this book from Harrison House, @HarrisonHousePublishers as part of the launch team for an honest review.

I have a feeling that many now feel that these are the end times, especially with a worldwide pandemic affecting every part of our lives, from how we work, dress, socialize, and even attend worship services. However, I believe that many individuals in every generation feel that the world may be in the end times

        1Thessalonians 5:1-3

         Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. 

        For you, yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 

        While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as 

        labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.(Biblegateway.com)

Because we as Christians do not know when Jesus will return, it is always important to be vigilant and profess the love and saving grace of our savior, Jesus Christ. That is why, even though some points of Rick Renner's book, Last Days Survival Guide: A handbook to prepare you for these perilous times, do not coincide with my Lutheran Christian doctrine, I found much of the book sharing useful information and encouragement that I could apply to my life as a Christian.

Rick Renner is proficient in the Koine Greek language of the new testament so he is able to provide in-depth word translations to explain the context of a word and how it applies to the passage in the bible.  This makes reading his book very interesting.  

Another area of Renner's book that I found very helpful was the end of the chapter action steps.  At the completion of each chapter, Renner lists steps to take to stay the course of the guidance discussed through the chapter.  Each step comes with a full explanation.  I found these steps to be very applicable to my life and important addition to the book. I sincerely appreciated that in all cases, Renner steers the reader to the truth, The Bible, even when the truth is uncomfortable. God's word as taken directly from the bible, not interpreted to fit societal rules, and then God's word is relayed and reinforced. 

I feel many Christians will find guidance and comfort in Renner's newest publication, Last Days Survival Guide: A handbook to prepare you for these perilous times, and I sincerely recommend it.