About Me

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I am a recently retired high school educator who is learning to spend time doing what I want to do. This is a new challenge in its own sense. It's like walking into a buffet and knowing you can eat all you want and not get full or gain any weight and for once you have absolutely no idea what you want. But I look forward to the journey of figuring it out.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Being Present Not Angry Is Worth It Every Time

Some days just getting to where I need to be is a challenge.  Take today for example, I wasn't running particularly late, I would have gotten out the door and on my way to work right on time if I hadn't tried to top off the pet's water bowl before I left the house.  Unfortunately, I miscalculated and over filled the bowl which caused a cascade of not only water, but also all the tasks to clean up the spill before I could leave the house.  I had to scoop out the extra water, (it is a fountain bowl so picking it up and pouring isn't easy) then change the towel under the bowl which was wet and setting on the wood floor, put the wet things in the laundry and still get the dog put in the bedroom before leaving. 

I am prone to timing things to the last minute so this made a kink in my timeliness.  I could have gotten angry, and let the events ruin my day,or been down on myself for not planning my morning better, but a few years ago I realized that no matter where I am at a particular moment in time, I am exactly where I need to be.  Even running late to get to work or any other planned appointment.  Today was a prime example of this because if I had been exactly on time then I would have missed the event that put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. 

As I left the house, probably five minutes later than I should have, I was driving down my street which just so happens to exit at a crosswalk for the neighborhood elementary school.  Children are often walking to school so I drive slowly. At the last house on the street I notice a young boy, one I don't know because this home had just recently sold to new owners. He was probably a kindergarten or first grade student, and he was all bundled up in his stocking hat, heavy coat, and backpack standing on the walk next to his driveway garage door, facing the street.  In all that heavy clothing, the boy was doing a full on impression of a European water fountain as he "peed" an amazing stream in front of God and everyone.  I did a double take, this simply isn't what I usually see as I drive down this road. Then I burst out laughing! It is always hilarious to see other people's kids doing something that you'd just die of embarrassment of if your own child did it at the same age.

I guess my day was starting with water in more ways than one.  Besides cracking me up, I once again realized that if all had gone as planned today and I hadn't spilled water to clean up as I was rushing out the door, I would have never been treated to a full out laugh fest on my way to work.  Life is just too short and too precious to be angry about insignificant matters, including running late.

  I used to try to make up the time when something would happen to start my day in an unplanned way by rushing about, causing myself more anxiety as I drove faster than I should, knowing I wasn't following the speed limit and increasing the tension. By the time I would get to my destination I was in a horrible mindset and the rest of the day would continue down the same path.

Then one day I realized that no matter where I am, or what I am doing, God has placed me exactly where I need to be at that particular moment in time. What an anxiety reducer, I learned that being present in the moment, whatever or wherever it is, is a blessing and shouldn't be wasted.  Whatever I do, wherever I am I will do it for the Lord because he has placed me there.

Now I try to live my days with this mindset. If I am working with a student that is angry or very frustrated with school and life in general, I remind myself that I am exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I need to do so I must somehow find joy in this moment and share that joy with others. This is not easy, or even always successful, but it is a goal I continue to strive for as I do so love my students.

I do my best to be on time and be where I need to be but if unforeseen circumstances arise, I make a point of enjoying the moment and purposefully finding joy.  My days go so much better and I smile more.

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