This time of year I miss my mom more than any other time of the year. Perhaps it's because it is spring and so many events of spring remind me of her. Easter makes me think of all the Havenstein Easter dinners, egg hunts and traditional tapioca pudding mom made because we loved it so much. Things that centered around my mom.
My mom made every event (holiday) fun. She had an affinity for being the ultimate hostess and making each gathering special. Every birthday featured our favorite foods, a cake of angel food with seven minute frosting and a gift that she had labored over to make sure we would treasure the item.
I think this is why birthdays are so important to me. I try to make each of my children's birthdays a special event. Just as my mom made my birthday exceptional. I remember so many of them and I know this is because my mom made them a work of heart. I love birthdays. My birthday included, though as I grow older the day seems to hold less excitement and fun, must be part of getting older.
Mom made every social occasion feel important. Even an unexpected event like a meeting or gathering was celebrated with an appropriate dessert. Two stand by desserts that I remember her stirring up in a jiffy for a meeting or a group of people stopping by were blonde brownies, or her chocolate mayonnaise cake with chocolate frosting...all from scratch. The chocolate cake is a personal favorite as it is a simple cake to make that is incredibly moist and delicious. I rarely make this cake because it makes me miss mom all the more. The smell and process brings back such vivid memories that I reserve making it for occasions that I feel mom would want to be a part of, such as a reception for a potential pastor for our church. I know mom loved her church and would appreciate me making this as we entertain a pastor for our church. The best certainly deserves the best.
My birthday is this week, so I miss my mom more than ever. I would love to have just one more hug and some time to spend with her. It's not that I don't feel loved, I do, but no one loves a child more than their mom.
Mother's day is also around the corner, and my mom's birthday often fell on mother's day. A double whammy for her and a double missing for me since she has passed.
Ultimately, though this post may seem a bit melancholy, it is a writing of joy. If my mother had not been such an exceptionally special and loving person she would not be so sorely missed. Birthdays would not hold such esteem and special foods would not seem such poignant items to enjoy.
I hope that some reading this take heart, and make incredible memories with their children and family. Just as my mom did for me. It doesn't take money, it simply takes time and heart to be remembered with love. Miss you mom.
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