I chose my blog title purposefully. Anyone who hasn't read my blog before might think I am going to write about family finances. Nope, it has nothing to do with money. It is about coming back to school and returning home to my building for the next 10 months. I am incredibly blessed to know that when I come back from summer vacation, I am truly going to experience a wonderful homecoming.
The Buhler school district is really one extended family. The family reunion begins on orientation day, when we catch up with our tribe from all of the USD 313 schools. As a large group we are encouraged, fed with empowering events then sent on our way to our immediate families, our buildings. My heart is so full with caring and respect for my co-workers. Their smiles, hugs, words of encouragement and genuine kindness makes coming home each August something to look forward to doing. I'm not saying that the summer time isn't a welcomed break from routine and busy schedules, every family needs vacation time. But being home after a nice vacation feels great too.
I was humbled to receive a compliment on one of our PD days that made my day. The fact that this individual said what he did affirmed to me how important it is to appreciate all the members of the family and let them know that you see what they are doing and it is good. So many of my school family members do an awesome job of this. I know two teachers who have their students write thank you notes or teacher's choice letters during the school year. Having an instructor take time out of their content time to have their students praise other teachers is such a kind gesture. Getting one of these notes can be a tremendous bucket filler. I am thankful to have staff like this in my school family.
I think it is also important for each of us to thank or compliment each other and the administration both in the building or at the Board of Education throughout the year. Typing a quick email, dropping a handwritten note in their mailbox. Letting them know that you are proud to be in the same family and that they do good work is empowering.
Tomorrow the rest of the family arrives, the complete student body. They are part of us too. I am excited to have the kids home again. Yes it will be louder, messier, and sometimes a challenge but that is what families are. And that is what makes the family at Buhler such a treat to be a part of throughout the year. No matter how happy, sad, frustrated or crazy we act at times, we are still a big loving family who cares and supports each other.
It is my sincere intention to tell my school family how important they are to me throughout the year. I encourage you to do the same in whatever venue you work. After all, it is impossible to tell your family that you love them too much!
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