About Me

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I am a recently retired high school educator who is learning to spend time doing what I want to do. This is a new challenge in its own sense. It's like walking into a buffet and knowing you can eat all you want and not get full or gain any weight and for once you have absolutely no idea what you want. But I look forward to the journey of figuring it out.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

God's Plan is Humbling!

 Yesterday I had an experience that made me think about my life in a different perspective.  I think that as we grow older we tend to do more introspection and examine the events in our lives through various filters.  If you have read this blog in the past, you are aware that my faith in Christ is an important part of my life and how I try to live each day.  

When reading the bible, the more study and application one does, the more interconnections within the pages are found.  Prophesy from the old testament is revealed as events in the new testament.  The genealogy of Jesus dates back throughout the old testament -  so many areas are interwoven together. 

What I found myself marveling at yesterday is how one experience in life truly prepares us for how we approach and live future happenings; even though we probably have no clue why we are placed in the original event and it's purpose is not clear until much later in our life.  Yet when it does reveal its purpose, the connection is transforming and faith affirming.

To set the scene, I must first explain.  I am a person who has never fully settled into any one job as a career.  I actually sat down this morning and counted how many jobs or positions I have held that I was paid for my work; and the number is 17! In my 60 years of life I have worked 17 various jobs that I got a paycheck.  Everything from dental assistant to retail salesperson, to receptionist, tospecial education paraprofessional to Targeted assistance/ESOL instructor to SAT test scorer and most recently I am finishing credentials for water aerobics instructor.  Obviously, there are multitudes in between these listed but I just hit the highlights.  😊

I have never understood why I couldn't pick one career, settle in and do it long term. I am just always wanting to learn something new, try something different, and when approached with a new challenge I think, "Yeah, I could do that."  But I have wondered why God put me in all these situations.  I grasped a small window of His will yesterday. 

As I listed, one job (my first job actually while I was still in high school) was as a dental assistant for a local dentist in my hometown.  I originally was hired to do mailing of billing and make patient reminder calls.  Over time I was assimilated into the practice as a chair assistant, which was a stressful position for me at such a young age. (I was 16-17 at the time.) I saw and assisted many procedures from fillings, to extractions, root canals - most general dentistry.  I'm not one to really want to see those things, but I did it anyway.  I have always wondered why God put me in that job, that place in time.  Especially since it gags me.  😕

Now, jump forward to my 60 year old self yesterday.  I volunteer at various events now that I am retired from school. This weekend I donated my time at KMOM (Kansas Mission of Mercy free dental clinic).  I worked the teeth brushing station where patients brushed their teeth prior to medical screening, I was a runner of paperwork from patient exit to coding, and I did a brief stint in sterilization.  No big deal. Not much blood and pain.  That was until the last two hours of my shift yesterday.  

One of my friends who works the event to organize volunteer placements came to get me.  She had a patient in extractions that was having severe panic attacks. She had a history of abuse and was having all her teeth removed due to infection and decay. She needed a comforter...she needed me.  I didn't exactly know what I was getting into, didn't know about all the extractions, I just knew someone needed me and I could do that, I could be there.  After I stepped into the area I saw what was going on. there were patients all around with dentists and assistants doing emergency dental procedures, like an emergency room for dental care.  I went in, introduced myself and  held her hands, encouraged her courage in the situation to get treatment and care for herself, and silently prayed as she cried. As the doctors worked as efficiently as possible to deaden her gums and remove all her damaged teeth I saw all the trauma and suturing, just as I had when I was 16 years old in a local dental practice. 

The woman was able to finish her procedure, and I stayed with her until she left with her friend.  It was excruciating for her.  It was emotionally difficult for me. But I know God put me in that place, at that time for this specific purpose.  Had I not had the experiences that I did early in life, I would not have been able to be there for her yesterday. I would most likely have fainted. It was rough. 

Right after she left, I took a break and thought about all that had happened. I am still humbled that God would choose me to be there for her.  To witness  to her while she was in recovery that I had silently prayed for her during the procedure. (She said she felt the prayers.) 🙏💗 And that God would have planned this all out more than 40 years from the time I was a teen until I was a retired 60 year old woman.  

Just as the bible is all interconnected throughout its pages, so are our lives.  My thoughts I want to leave with you reader are...don't discount the trials and challenges given in this lifetime we are allotted.  You never know how or when they will be used for good. 

Prayers for you all!


  1. Love this Laura!! You humble me and I admire and love you much!
