About Me

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I am a recently retired high school educator who is learning to spend time doing what I want to do. This is a new challenge in its own sense. It's like walking into a buffet and knowing you can eat all you want and not get full or gain any weight and for once you have absolutely no idea what you want. But I look forward to the journey of figuring it out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Feeling Pretty

The older I get the more I ponder.  I wonder if all women past the age of 50 do this or if it is just me, but I find myself thinking about ideas and feelings more as I age.

The other night I was with my friends at our monthly bunko game night.  This particular night many of the ladies at the last minute were unable to attend, so instead of 12 players we only had 6.  Not enough to play bunko, so we just sat around a table, ate some incredible food the hostess had prepared and had a girls' chat session.  It was just what each of us needed.  

On a whim, I asked the ladies when they feel pretty.  Bear in mind, we are all 50+ years old.  I started off. 
I told them I feel the most pretty when I am at the gym, in the middle of a hard work out during the "Group Fight" class.  I may not look like most perceive as pretty, perspiring, my hair falling out of its ponytail, and red-faced. But that is when I feel pretty because I feel strong.  I see the progress I have made the past few years taking the class and how high I can kick now compared to the beginning.  
When I see a little muscle in my arm, little being the focus here, I feel pretty.  

I'm sad to say that the first reaction to my question was a groan. All the women remarked on the aging process, extra pounds, wrinkles....but I pressed them. The key element here is FEEL.  When do you feel pretty?  

Finally, one brave lady said that when she takes the time to really primp for an event, having her hair, nails, and makeup done... buying a matching outfit and jewelry, and making an extra effort by putting time aside to care for herself, it makes her feel pretty.  Another agreed. A fresh haircut was when she felt pretty.  

Being on a hike or taking a walk, no make-up, fresh-faced in nature is what another lovely lady said.  This was when she felt the best about herself.

Most answers were along this line. 

I stopped to remind each beautiful woman how stunning and incredible they are.  All of us are so critical of ourselves.  We look in a mirror and see wrinkles and bulges.  Wings on our arms, and gray in our hair.  Numbers that haunt us on a scale. 
We start picking ourselves apart as young women. You would think that as we grow older we would feel more content, yet we still struggle. Each and every day we face ourselves in the mirror and pick apart our appearance.  

If I could say one thing to women, it would be to strive to focus on feeling pretty in life. Pretty and confident in your strengths and abilities. Each of us, at any age, is wonderfully made and the epitome of pretty.

Psalm 139:14

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

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