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I am a recently retired high school educator who is learning to spend time doing what I want to do. This is a new challenge in its own sense. It's like walking into a buffet and knowing you can eat all you want and not get full or gain any weight and for once you have absolutely no idea what you want. But I look forward to the journey of figuring it out.

Friday, October 16, 2015

What is your special day? Random thoughts on random days....

        Sometimes when I am in a creative drought I like to look at the National Day Calendar.  I guess it just amuses me to see what items can be celebrated each and every day of the year.  I also love to look up people's birthdays and find out what events they share with that special day.
         Take for example my birthday. Three of the events on my special day are, National Bat Appreciation Day, National Haiku Day, and National Cheeseball Day.  I can truly appreciate each one of these days.  I do love bats, especially in the summer when I see them flying about my yard and neighborhood at dusk, eating all the pesky mosquitos that plague our area.  In addition, Stella Luna,  a well known children's book,  is one that I cherish.  Then there is Haiku Poetry day,  also a favorite of mine.  I do relish a good Haiku, no mystery there, words are my faithful friends. Finally, National Cheeseball Day.  One of the yummiest appetizers ever, is a dense, savory cheeseball!  I have a good friend who makes a killer cheeseball, and sometimes gives them at Christmas time, I do value that creamy, culinary delight.
        National days can be more fun that just birthday trivia.  I once worked for a doctor's office where the nurses kept a National Day list calendar, and celebrated each day in some way.  Some were quite obscure and difficult to celebrate. Take today, October 16th. Today is National Dictionary Day and National Feral Cat Day.  Dictionary Day is very doable to observe. Just go to Dictionary.com and look for the word of the day, then use it all day long to amaze your friends and colleagues.  National Feral Cat day is a bit more challenging.  I guess one could sprinkle a bag of "Little Friskies" around the neighborhood and call out kitty, kitty in hopes of luring a feral cat, but the odds of actually drawing a feral cat into one's presence is dicey at best.  Definitely not the easiest day to celebrate.
        However, there are the awesome National Day's that so many enjoy and are part of our cultural experience.  Some are well known,  Christmas or Halloween would be an example of these days. Then there are the more recent yet becoming very popular days. Two of my favorite examples of these days are, Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 19th and National Pi Day, March 14th or 3.14. Talk Like a Pirate Day was a "Aye, Aye Matey," filled day at the Doctor's office.  We thoroughly enjoyed talking like pirates all day long.  Pi day we took liberties with for our own enjoyment factor.  There were no spouting of Pi digits, no we used this as an excuse to eat pie.  The actual Pie day is December 1st, yet a second day to insist on eating pie.
        I think what I enjoy the most about special days of the year is that each and every day of the year has at least one special day assigned to the date.  On a deeper level this is a reminder that in fact, each and every day is special and should be celebrated and enjoyed.  A form of carpe diem mentality. Do yourself a favor, check out the National Day calendar and find out what special days are in your future... and celebrate them!

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