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I am a recently retired high school educator who is learning to spend time doing what I want to do. This is a new challenge in its own sense. It's like walking into a buffet and knowing you can eat all you want and not get full or gain any weight and for once you have absolutely no idea what you want. But I look forward to the journey of figuring it out.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

What Are You Hungry For? The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well Being, and Lightness of Soul

Satisfied, content, fulfilled, may sound like the beginning of a self-help book, no surprise here, Deepak Chopra's newest publication is exactly that; however, what may amaze the reader is that Chopra's book is a diet book.  "What Are You Hungry For? The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul is his approach to tackling the problem of many Americans, being overweight.

Chopra's book is a refreshing approach to a common problem.  Weight loss has been a lifelong challenge for this reader. After trying many diet approaches that isolate food groups and rank foods into what is a good food and what is a bad food, and what foods must be totally eliminated from the diet and never eaten again; Chopra focuses his plan on finding fulfillment in all parts of life and eating healthy, colorful foods to the point of satiety.  Awareness is a primary theme in Chopra's program.  Being aware of bad habits and old conditioning, such as eating unconsciously and using food for an escape, are negative habits and Chopra encourages positive thoughts and habits to help the body find it's balance.  Chopra touts a mind-body approach to find each individual's fulfillment. Food alone can not nourish the body. The body needs food, yes, but also love, knowledge, and self awareness.  Through all these means, Chopra instructs the reader to find balance, become aware of the body, the emotions, the choices being made and over time a transformation will occur from adopting these techniques.

Chopra includes a contract in his book to make a personal commitment to follow the mind-body plan for 30 days. He says, "you will not go on a diet, you will not indulge in negative judgements against your body, you will live in the present and disregard the old conditioning that has led only to frustration and disappointment, and with an open mind you will focus on walking the path of fulfillment." The contract is a tangible way to help the reader look internally for support and not fall into the diet traps of deprivation and and guilt.

The book is well written with a solid  message that encompasses step by step advice, anecdotes from patients, and Chopra's unique medical perspective as a doctor of endocrinology. The non-fanatical process is easy to follow and can be embraced wholeheartedly  or  in part, but any healthy change in diet or behavior management is a positive step toward balance in the body.  The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul is as the book says, a mind-body approach and the key to lifelong well-being.  Anyone who is unsatisfied with their body size in any way should read Chopra's book, and find the balance their body is craving.
FTC disclaimer: I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review.

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