The competitive world of publishing is the setting for the suspense filled pages of Chris Pavone’s novel, The Accident. Isabel Reed, a New York City high powered literary agent, has just been given an anonymous novel that has captured her attention and she feels it may be her once in a lifetime discovery. The book would be a revelation to the world, and a story that many very scary, powerful people would not want discovered.
The novel is a journey told by many unique characters who all want the prize of making the book by anonymous their discovery. In Pavone’s book the publishing industry is exposed to the readers and it is a learning experience as to how a book gets from writer to shelves. Specifically, it reveals many crimes that were committed by a powerful media mover and shaker, Charlie Wolfe. What a ride! Add to that the people who are trying anything to keep the book and it’s secrets hidden and you have a fun filled race to the last page.
Although I thoroughly enjoyed the story’s plot, the organization of the book was a bit difficult for me to get into at first. The novel is written with each chapter being told from a different character. I had some trouble keeping track of what was happening from chapter to chapter as I tried to remember the character and their storyline from a previous chapter gap. Pavone’s skill prevails because in time I caught onto the cadence of characters and enjoyed the development. I would recommend Pavone’s novel, The Accident, to anyone wanting to vicariously visit the publishing industry as a thrill ride. Well, worth the read.I received my wonderful copy of "The Accident" from Blogging for!
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