About Me

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I am a recently retired high school educator who is learning to spend time doing what I want to do. This is a new challenge in its own sense. It's like walking into a buffet and knowing you can eat all you want and not get full or gain any weight and for once you have absolutely no idea what you want. But I look forward to the journey of figuring it out.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

What Remains True

 Nancy Naigle has once again captured my heart through the characters in her newest release, What Remains True published by Waterbrook and Multnomah with a release date of May 3, 2022.  As a member of her launch team, I was privileged to read an early release copy and I can sincerely say that from the first page I was hooked.  

The book begins with this quote, "Embrace this day, and make it your goal to make each one memorable. Say yes to new opportunities."  Merry Anna Foster, a big city COO for her family's office supply chain of stores is in need of a change of pace.  To prove a point to her ex husband and his request for more alimony,  she finds herself in the small town of Antler Creek.  With the intention of staying only a couple weeks, Merry Anne rents an old cowboy bunkhouse and takes a job as a sales clerk for the bunkhouse owner's gift shop.  Over qualified for the position, Merry Anna quickly becomes indispensable to the shop's owner and becomes friends.  She gets to know the neighbors and community of Antler Creek, especially the handsome bachelor bull-rider who owns the land next to her home as well as the local feed store.  Adam Locklear has one goal for his life, to win the upcoming national bull riding championship and begin a new business enterprise.  Through various twists and turns, life presents many challenges and joys.

One of my favorite aspects of Naigle's stories is the way she builds her characters. Her character development is so rich and engaging that I end up becoming attached to them and dread the end of the story, just because I won't be able to be a part of their lives any longer.  That is really a true gift in a story teller, when they can create a sense of caring for the fictional people.  Naigle does just that and makes it hard to say goodbye to them.  

As sad as I am to complete Naigle's books, I know that I can look forward to her next adventure when she introduces me to an entire new set of people to get to know again.  Naigle is one of my favorite author's and I heartily recommend , What Remains True for your next read.