My first thought the day that it came in the mail was...charming. The beginning of the book uses adorable animal illustrations to create a setting of a mama bear hosting a sleepover for her little cub and his friends. She calls them into the house for a story and reads to them from her bible, telling them that God's word is actually our story because He gave his word to His children because He loved them, the same way He loves us, His children, today.
I am pleased with the entire book, but I particularly like the way that Bergren relates the bible as a book for all ages at the start of her story instead of just jumping into the bible stories with no other introduction than the bible chapter names. With her illustrations and soft beginning, the book is more enticing for young readers.
I have read many other children's abridged bible story collections and often they fall short in two ways. either they are too short without enough details or they go overboard with vocabulary and plot that is so deep that a child might as well read the original text. Bergren has found a happy medium with her format. She tells enough of the story to be factual and accurate while adding in some commentary that covers thoughts and observations a child might have when hearing God's word.
Another part that I liked about her book is how she defines certain bible vocabulary that children and even some adults that are not well versed in the bible might find confusing. For example, on page 108, Bergren explains the word parable this way, ""What's a parable?" Little Moose asked." "It's a kind of story that Jesus used to help his followers understand truth," Mama said "And it helps us understand God better too."" That way not only does the child gain information, so does the parent. There are several excerpts like this throughout her book.

Another example is on page 115. Here Bergren explains the story from Luke 18 where Jesus teaches the lesson that to enter the kingdom of heaven you must be like a little child. Little Pup asks the mother bear what it means to be like a little child? The mother bear responds ""Well, what are kids like? Most are curious, open and loving, right? Full of faith and joy like you," She said. "Kids trust that things will work out. It's harder to be like that when you're a grown-up. Jesus's reminder is a good one for us adults.""
Finally Mama bear explains who God's word is really a neverending story because it is the living word that lives on through Jesus and the Holy Spirit that puts it in our hearts.
I wholeheartedly recommend Bergren's book and encourage anyone with young children, grandchildren or any other little ones in their life to share God's message through a wonderful book.